Frases sobre ''Bullet''
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Who needs a bullet piercing, armor piercing bullet to go hunting? Who needs an assault rifle to go hunting? You can't even use the prey that you kill with an assault rifle if you indeed do it.
Autor: Don LemonYou , Go , Hunting , Bullet
I generally use a lot of analog instruments, a few synths from the '80s like the Roland Juno-106, and an old Fender bullet guitar.
Autor: Gus DappertonLike , Old , Guitar , Bullet
If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door.
Autor: Harvey MilkBrain , Destroy , Door , Bullet
The camera can be the most deadly weapon since the assassin's bullet. Or it can be the lotion of the heart.
Autor: Norman ParkinsonHeart , Camera , Assassin , Bullet
Washington is like a self-sealing tank on a military aircraft. When a bullet passes through, it closes up.
Autor: Dean AchesonUp , Like , Military , Bullet
I was playing in the league when Ray Guy was playing in the league. He was the best kicker I've ever seen. He could bullet that ball 70 yards.
Autor: Gale SayersBest , Seen , Guy , Bullet
Oftentimes, the only evidence left behind at the scene of a shooting are bullet shell casings.
Autor: Grace MengBehind , Left , Shooting , Bullet
'Pomegranate,' started with my imagining a bullet going through the fruit and causing it to bleed. My initial associations were with pomegranates in old masters painting and their Judeo-Christian symbolism.
Autor: Ori GershtOld , Painting , Fruit , Bullet
I never stopped thinking about the Alamo from that day to this. I'm a huge collector of memorabilia. I've got Davy Crockett's bullet pouch. I've got Colonel Travis's belt.
Autor: Phil CollinsNever , Day , Thinking , Bullet