Frases sobre ''Bubbles''

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Enthusiasm just creates bubbles; it doesn't keep them from popping.

Autor: Adora Svitak
  Just , Keep , Enthusiasm , Bubbles

But all bubbles have a way of bursting or being deflated in the end.

Autor: Barry Gibb
  Being , Way , End , Bubbles

Society loves to put bubbles up there and pop them, and I resent it. I'd rather expose myself myself.

Autor: Dennis Hopper
  Myself , Up , Society , Bubbles

Americans have less and less patience for the intrusive and divisive moral scolds who thrived in the bubbles of the Clinton and Bush years.

Autor: Frank Rich
  Moral , Years , Patience , Bubbles

Eroticism bubbles beneath the surface of every vampire story, but Anne Rice is a writer to make the pot boil.

Autor: Janet Maslin
  Story , Make , Vampire , Bubbles

The areas of consensus shift unbelievably fast; the bubbles of certainty are constantly exploding.

Autor: Rem Koolhaas
  Fast , Bubbles , Certainty , Shift

We are a segmented society, living in our individual bubbles.

Autor: Richard Cohen
  Society , Living , Individual , Bubbles

It's not that we can predict bubbles - if we could, we would be rich. But we can certainly have a bubble warning system.

Autor: Richard Thaler
  Rich , Predict , Bubbles , Bubble

Stock market bubbles don't grow out of thin air. They have a solid basis in reality, but reality as distorted by a misconception.

Autor: George Soros
  Grow , Reality , Bubbles , Stock Market

Bubbles have quite a few things in common, but housing bubbles have a spectacular thing in common, and that is every one of them is considered unique and different.

Autor: Jeremy Grantham
  Things , Unique , Bubbles , Housing

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