Frases sobre ''Brown''
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My top three were Jim Brown, Wilt Chamberlain and Bo Jackson.
Autor: Dick SchaapThree , Top , Were , Brown
John Brown's effort was peculiar. It was not a slave insurrection.
Autor: George Haven PutnamEffort , Brown , Slave , Peculiar
I was a big J. Geils fan, a Steppenwolf fan and a Savoy Brown fan.
Autor: George ThorogoodBig , Fan , Brown , Steppenwolf
I've also just finished filming the role of Robert Brown in 'Just William,' which is due to transmit on BBC One at Christmas.
Autor: Harry MellingJust , Role , Christmas , Brown
John Brown was tried for treason, murder, and inciting slaves to insurrection.
Autor: John Sergeant WiseTried , Slaves , Brown , Treason
When I was in my early 20s, I studied tae kwon do and hapkido. I earned brown belts in both of them.
Autor: Karen BassEarly , Them , Brown , Earned
At Brown, I trained in West African dance and drumming.
Autor: Sophie Hawley-WeldDance , West , Brown , Drumming
My cartoon strips in college strived to have the Schulzian mix of surrealism and Charlie Brown angst. A bit of that combo shows up in 'Up.'
Autor: Bob PetersonUp , College , Brown , Cartoon
I did an episode of The Profiler. I actually worked on the last episode of Murphy Brown.
Autor: Alice BarrettDid , Last , Brown , Episode