Frases sobre ''Bright''

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The planet Mars - crimson and bright, filling our telescopes with vague intimations of almost-familiar landforms - has long formed a celestial tabula rasa on which we have inscribed our planetological theories, utopian fantasies, and fears of alien invasion or ecological ruin.

Autor: David Grinspoon
  Long , Alien , Bright , Mars

The characters I usually get offered are described as 'none too bright' or 'funny but a little air-brained.'

Autor: Didi Conn
  Get , Funny , Little , Bright

All the drawings and sketches and clothes of Yves Saint Laurent in the '70s were so colorful, so bright.

Autor: Frida Giannini
  Were , Clothes , Bright , Colorful

I don't much care for the sunlight or bright colours of any kind.

Autor: Glenn Gould
  Care , Kind , Bright , Sunlight

The lamp burns bright when wick and oil are clean.

Autor: Ovid
  Oil , Bright , Clean , Lamp

Bright light is injurious to those who see nothing.

Autor: Prudentius
  See , Nothing , Light , Bright

Endless are the instances of men of bright parts and high spirit having been, by degrees, rendered powerless and despicable by their imaginary wants.

Autor: William Cobbett
  Men , High , Spirit , Bright

The joys we expect are not so bright, nor the troubles so dark as we fancy they will be.

Autor: Charles Reade
  Will , Expect , Dark , Bright

I would not openly categorize myself as a sullen teenager, but that kind of role comes more easier to me than a bright, perky thing.

Autor: Morgan Saylor
  More , Me , Myself , Bright

I'm not very bright about money. I'm not domestic either. If I don't learn how to cook, maybe I won't have to.

Autor: Natalie Wood
  Money , How , Learn , Bright

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