Frases sobre ''Bridges''

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I was in Nashville, Tennessee, and I saw - we talk about crumbling bridges - I saw one, concrete literally falling onto the underpass below, threatening auto traffic.

Autor: Anthony Foxx
  Talk , Falling , Traffic , Bridges

Music history has flowed under the bridges for many years.

Autor: Gavin Bryars
  Music , History , Years , Bridges

I guess whenever I'm in the paper, it's dealing with bridges falling apart, budget problems, pension crises - and saying we have to tackle these problems.

Autor: Gina Raimondo
  Problems , Saying , Falling , Bridges

We believe more in bridges and making the border better.

Autor: Ildefonso Guajardo Villarreal
  More , Better , Believe , Bridges

Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build bridges even when there are no rivers.

Autor: Nikita Khrushchev
  Build , Over , Politicians , Bridges

Jeff Bridges wants you to take it easy, man.

Autor: Stephen Rodrick
  You , Man , Easy , Bridges

By failing to keep their end of the bargain, the Bush administration would allow New Jersey projects to deteriorate and make New Jersey highways and bridges less safe.

Autor: Bob Menendez
  New , End , Safe , Bridges

Bridges become frames for looking at the world around us.

Autor: Bruce Jackson
  World , Looking , Us , Bridges

I think I heard about 'The Giver' being made from when I was 11 or 12 years old. When I got the audition for this movie, I already knew that Meryl Streep was attached to it, and Jeff Bridges, obviously.

Autor: Cameron Monaghan
  Being , Think , Old , Bridges

I've made it very clear that building, maintaining, and fixing Maryland's roads and bridges is our top transportation priority, and it is a top priority of our administration.

Autor: Larry Hogan
  Building , Roads , Bridges , Transportation

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