Frases sobre ''Boy''
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My two boys have each done a play. They've done school plays as well, but one of them did a local production of 'Waiting For Godot,' and he played the boy.
Autor: Thomas GibsonWaiting , Boy , Done , School
Prior to being mugged I did not feel I had to carry a gun. However, I knew how to shoot a gun very proficiently. As a boy, I used to play cowboys and Indians all the time.
Autor: Bernhard GoetzTime , Feel , Boy , Gun
If your doctor tells you you have a rare disease that he or she has never seen, if you've got an incurable cancer, boy, don't accept that. You know, go and get a second opinion.
Autor: Hamilton JordanYou , Know , Boy , Doctor
You can take the boy out of England, but you can't take England out of the boy. And ummm, yes, I feel a huge emotional attachment to England.
Autor: John MahoneyYou , Feel , Boy , Emotional
I was a fan of westerns growing up. Every boy wanted to ride a horse and be a cowboy.
Autor: Lee Byung-hunGrowing Up , Boy , Ride , Horse
My father was a bad boy, a rascal. That's what him do for a living. He just go around and have a million and one children!
Autor: Peter ToshChildren , Father , Boy , Bad Boy
When we're in the studio, and we sing that first note on that record, you're committing to being a Backstreet Boy!
Autor: Brian LittrellYou , Being , Boy , Sing
I have been interested in phenomena involving complexity, diversity and evolution since I was a young boy.
Autor: Murray Gell-MannBoy , Young , Diversity , Evolution
Steve Laurence is the only person that was on the first 'Tonight Show,' right to the end. He was a little high school boy, 14 years old.
Autor: Jayne MeadowsBoy , End , School , High School