Frases sobre ''Borders''
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Unprovoked attacks on Israel's borders, murdering Israeli soldiers, taking Israeli hostages and showering rockets targeting and killing Israeli civilians are not furthering any legitimate goal.
Autor: Alcee HastingsIsrael , Goal , Soldiers , Borders
After school, I'd hang out at the Borders bookstore until it closed.
Autor: Garrett HedlundSchool , Out , After , Borders
When one cow was found with BSE in 2003, many of our trading partners closed their borders to our beef.
Autor: Mike JohannsFound , Borders , Cow , Beef
There is a certain amount of momentum that is achieved when one country after another reopens their borders.
Autor: Mike JohannsCountry , After , Borders , Momentum
These are our borders, and we have to secure our borders.
Autor: Robert BradyOur , Secure , Borders
In addition to closed-circuit TV systems and the ability to track cellphone and computer users, advanced biometric identification systems and online coordination across borders are becoming more and more widespread.
Autor: Ronen BergmanMore , Ability , Track , Borders
Britain is relatively compact and much closer to the borders of the U.S.S.R. than anywhere in North America.
Autor: Charles StrossAmerica , Than , Borders , Closer
If terrorists aren't limited by borders and boundaries, we can't be, either.
Autor: Raymond KellyBoundaries , Either , Borders , Limited
We are already overcrowded. There's no more room, and we must shut the borders.
Autor: Pim FortuynMore , Must , Room , Borders