Frases sobre ''Bones''

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My nickname was Skinabo - 'skin and bones.'

Autor: Ellen Barkin
  Skin , Bones , Nickname

I wasn't a regular, avid 'Bones' fan, but I'd certainly seen it. I liked the banter; I liked the people and that world.

Autor: Geoff Stults
  People , World , Seen , Bones

Stories are like that. Like cities, they are built on the stones and bones of the past.

Autor: Kate Forsyth
  Like , Past , Stones , Bones

'Pod' was a significantly larger crew with Ilium Pictures co-producing. 'Darling' was bare bones. We had less than half of the crew that we had for 'Pod.'

Autor: Lauren Ashley Carter
  Half , Pictures , Bones , Darling

I make no bones about it. I have no understanding of pastry.

Autor: Michael Symon
  Understanding , Make , Pastry , Bones

You shouldn't have to pay for your love with your bones and your flesh.

Autor: Pat Benatar
  Love , You , Your , Bones

Europe has been in my bones.

Autor: Charles Jencks
  Been , Bones , Europe

In valley drift we meet commonly with the bones of quadrupeds which graze on plains bordering rivers.

Autor: Charles Lyell
  Valley , Meet , Bones , Rivers

The appearance of the bones of quadrupeds, especially those of complete bodies in the strata, tells us either that the layer itself which carries them was in earlier times dry land or that dry land was at least formed in the immediate area.

Autor: Georges Cuvier
  Land , Us , Bones , Appearance

The muscles are connected with the bones, cartilages, ligaments, and skin, either directly or through the intervention of fibrous structures called tendons or aponeuroses.

Autor: Henry Gray
  Skin , Through , Bones , Muscles

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