Frases sobre ''Blockchain''

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Scalability is this idea of coming up with a blockchain that can scale much larger than existing chains essentially by processing transactions in parallel. And moving away from this paradigm where every single node on the network has to process every single transaction.

Autor: Vitalik Buterin
  Process , Single , Moving , Blockchain

I do think the blockchain infrastructure is here to stay.

Autor: Lisa Su
  Think , Stay , Blockchain , Infrastructure

The main event isn't bitcoin. It's using the blockchain to disrupt other industries and Wall Street.

Autor: Patrick M. Byrne
  Street , Blockchain , Bitcoin , Event

T0 is blockchain-agnostic so, ultimately, we can use anybody's blockchain.

Autor: Patrick M. Byrne
  Blockchain , Use , Anybody , Ultimately

The blockchain symbolizes a shift in power from the centers to the edges of the networks.

Autor: William Mougayar
  Power , Blockchain , Shift , Edges

The blockchain does one thing: It replaces third-party trust with mathematical proof that something happened.

Autor: Adam Draper
  Something , Trust , Happened , Blockchain

Blockchain technologies will change transactions in a broad way.

Autor: Brad Garlinghouse
  Will , Way , Change , Blockchain

Blockchain assets derive value from their usefulness. Bitcoin has value because people value the payment network. BTC is required to use the network, so people demand it. If Bitcoin continues to be useful, it will continue to have value.

Autor: Nick Tomaino
  People , Value , Will , Blockchain

The virtues of the blockchain is that it would be that it's peer-to-peer settlement - no centralized settlement, no manipulation... And most importantly, there's nothing to capture. It's consensus based. It's stateless.

Autor: Patrick M. Byrne
  Nothing , Blockchain , Capture , Virtues

Polychain is investing in blockchain assets. We do not invest in private companies or hold shares in private companies. We invest purely in tokens or digital assets, and those include assets that people are familiar with, like bitcoin and ethereum, as well as very early-stage projects.

Autor: Olaf Carlson-Wee
  People , Like , Digital , Blockchain

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