Frases sobre ''Bitterness''
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Bitterness is so ugly. I don't want to go there.
Autor: Amy HeckerlingWant , Go , Ugly , Bitterness
Bitterness and resentment only hurt one person, and it's not the person we're resenting - it's us.
Autor: Alana StewartPerson , Us , Hurt , Bitterness
From the very fountain of enchantment there arises a taste of bitterness to spread anguish amongst the flowers.
Autor: LucretiusTaste , Flowers , Bitterness , Fountain
If there is anything worse than international warfare, is civil warfare, and the United States was destined to experience it in the extreme of bitterness.
Autor: Paul P. HarrisExperience , Anything , Worse , Bitterness
I've purged myself of bitterness and anger and remained open to love.
Autor: Tatum O'NealLove , Myself , Anger , Bitterness
I can hold on to that, that bitterness and that anger. It won't get me anywhere.
Autor: Brian BanksMe , I Can , Anger , Bitterness
One feels as if it could never, never be less. And yet all griefs, when there is no bitterness in them, are soothed down by time.
Autor: Jane Welsh CarlyleTime , Never , Down , Bitterness