Frases sobre ''Bike''

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When there's not ten feet of snow on the ground, I ride my bike down the streets of New York, and I literally hear two things out of car windows as cabs pass by me: They either yell, 'Hey, dummy,' or 'Hey, Mayhem.'

Autor: Dean Winters
  Me , Car , Bike , Ride

I believe there are two periods in life, one for the bike, the other for becoming active on one's work.

Autor: Bernard Hinault
  Life , Work , Believe , Bike

I had a bike as a kid, and when I worked in Manhattan - I had a 10-speed - I rode from downtown to 68th and Madison for my day job. I knew about fighting traffic, but nothing about racing.

Autor: Dennis Christopher
  Day , Job , Bike , Fighting

I drove from Naples to the Amalfi coast in an Alpha Romeo 1969 Spider, which was lovely. There have been lots of movies made down there, and I felt a bit like James Bond - the driving is quite hairy. The locals have mopeds, but you wouldn't catch me on a bike on those roads. A tank would be safer!

Autor: Paul Hollywood
  You , Me , Bike , Roads

In our game, it's your vanity that keeps you in shape. I've got a little gym set up, and I ride a single-speed bike up the hills behind my house. Lately I've been kind of a slacker. Usually it's a film role that makes me start getting in shape. Between roles, I try to do a little maintenance, but I'm not a workout fanatic at all.

Autor: Bill Paxton
  You , Me , Bike , Ride

I ride my bike past the Danish Parliament, and it's very accessible - there's really no security!

Autor: Birgitte Hjort Sorensen
  Past , Security , Bike , Ride

I go to the gym four times a week for 45 minutes to an hour without fail; I like using weights for muscle tone and the bike and rower for my heart rate. I do quite a lot of floor exercises.

Autor: Marie Helvin
  Heart , Gym , Bike , Muscle

On a dirt bike, when you're sizing up a jump, you can't have any second thoughts. You have to fully commit. If you don't, a lot of things can go wrong.

Autor: Rickie Fowler
  You , Thoughts , Bike , Jump

I'm not the kind that could lead the millionaire lifestyle. I've got a truck, and I've got my bike. I've got a lovely Labrador and two kitty-cats. I live very modestly.

Autor: Sophie B. Hawkins
  Live , Bike , Lifestyle , Truck

I always travel with my bike and it has become a little more difficult to do it nowadays, but I stick it in 3,5 by 6-foot case and wheel that thing in.

Autor: Donny Robinson
  Always , Difficult , Travel , Bike

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