Frases sobre ''Benefits''

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There are occasions when obstruction in Parliament brings greater benefits to the country.

Autor: Arun Jaitley
  Parliament , Country , Greater , Benefits , Occasions

Television has the obvious benefits of regularity and intimacy.

Autor: Graydon Carter
  Television , Obvious , Benefits , Intimacy

Investing in health will produce enormous benefits.

Autor: Gro Harlem Brundtland
  Will , Health , Benefits , Investing

The benefits of science are not to be reckoned only in terms of the physical.

Autor: Henry Taube
  Science , Only , Physical , Benefits

We are beginning to see the benefits of global consolidation.

Autor: Lakshmi Mittal
  See , Beginning , Global , Benefits

Even in mature economies, digital's benefits to society are substantial.

Autor: Pierre Nanterme
  Society , Digital , Mature , Benefits

The benefits from a world currency would be enormous.

Autor: Robert Mundell
  World , Would , Benefits , Currency

The benefits of having robots could vastly outweigh the problems.

Autor: Rodney Brooks
  Problems , Having , Robots , Benefits

The success of each of us benefits us all, and the success of us all benefits each of us individually.

Autor: Walter Ulbricht
  Us , Success , Each , Benefits

I do benefits for all religions - I'd hate to blow the hereafter on a technicality.

Autor: Bob Hope
  Hate , Religions , Benefits , All Religions

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