Frases sobre ''Bell''
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I hate the only one of my book jackets when I was made up professionally, my hair made into a smooth bell.
Autor: Antonia FraserBook , Hair , Hate , Bell
When that bell rang, I wanted to go out there and do my thing.
Autor: Gerry CooneyWanted , Go , Out , Bell
Steve Martin is such an exquisite and precise writer. Everything is so clear; it's like a bell. He says what he means and says it so beautifully.
Autor: Jason SchwartzmanEverything , Like , Clear , Bell
I played with Eddie Taylor's son, Tim Taylor and Carey Bells son Lurie Bell.
Autor: Jimmy SmithSon , Played , Bell , Bells
In 'For Whom the Bell Tolls,' Hemingway cozies up to revolution by romanticizing it (and not only with those execrable love scenes).
Autor: Madison Smartt BellLove , Only , Revolution , Bell
But when researchers at Bell Labs discovered that static tends to come from particular places in the sky, the whole field of radio astronomy opened up.
Autor: Murray Gell-MannPlaces , Sky , Radio , Bell
It was at Bell Labs that I first made direct contact with real semiconductor experts and thus began to fully understand what amazing materials they were and what they could do.
Autor: Robert B. LaughlinUnderstand , Amazing , Real , Bell
Lester Germer was my first supervisor at Bell Labs. He was the Germer of the Davisson and Germer Experiment that is sometimes referred to in introductory texts on physics.
Autor: Willard BoyleSometimes , First , Physics , Bell
Bell Labs was an astonishing place for many decades, though it fell on somewhat hard times during the telecom meltdown some years ago, as its corporate owner had to cope with shrinking markets.
Autor: Brian KernighanSome , Place , Hard , Bell
Since Graham Bell came up with telephony, it took 100 years for the way the technology has impacted our lives, the way we perceive the world.
Autor: Shiv NadarWorld , Way , Technology , Bell