Frases sobre ''Believing''

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You have to go into each match believing you can beat all of the players.

Autor: Andy Murray
  You , Go , Beat , Believing

Lately I've been believing that music predates speech.

Autor: Debbie Harry
  Music , Speech , Been , Believing

In believing too much in rationality, our contemporaries have lost something.

Autor: Krzysztof Kieslowski
  Something , Lost , Too Much , Believing

Not believing in force is the same as not believing in gravity.

Autor: Leon Trotsky
  Same , Force , Gravity , Believing

A liberal mind is a mind that is able to imagine itself believing anything.

Autor: Max Eastman
  Mind , Anything , Imagine , Believing

We all do films believing in them completely, but sometimes, the audiences like what we like, and other times, they don't.

Autor: Ravi Teja
  Sometimes , Like , Them , Believing

We can't have full knowledge all at once. We must start by believing; then afterwards we may be led on to master the evidence for ourselves.

Autor: Thomas Aquinas
  Start , Knowledge , Master , Believing

I get a lot that people have a hard time believing that I'm a nerd... but I grew up with a Nintendo controller in my hand.

Autor: Zachary Levi
  People , Time , Hard , Believing

Do not be fooled into believing that because a man is rich he is necessarily smart. There is ample proof to the contrary.

Autor: Julius Rosenwald
  Man , Smart , Rich , Believing

The data, however, do indicate that Christians who see Jews through a 17th-century lens, believing that most are thoroughly religious, are thoroughly wrong.

Autor: Marvin Olasky
  See , Wrong , Data , Believing

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