Frases sobre ''Bee''
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My whole life has always been about looking for that person that money can't buy in that they've got a bee in their bonnet.
Autor: Tony FernandesLife , Money , Looking , Bee
I have a huge belief in the importance of bees, not just for their honey, which is a healing and delicious food, but the necessity of bee colonies that are vital to the health of the planet.
Autor: Trudie StylerFood , Health , Healing , Bee
The bird, the bee, the running child are all the same to the sliding glass door.
Autor: Demetri MartinDoor , Child , Bird , Bee
The Bee Gees were always heavily influenced by black music. As a songwriter, it's never been difficult to pick up on the changing styles of music out there, and soul has always been my favourite genre.
Autor: Robin GibbMusic , Black , Soul , Bee
I just got off stage playing with Lynyrd Skynyrd a minute ago. It was a great show. Got to meet some incredible guests. This is the bee's knees.
Autor: Bo BiceGreat , Some , Meet , Bee
I have a bee in my bonnet as to how few black historical figures one sees on film; incredible stories, stories from which we are living the legacy and which just don't get made.
Autor: David OyelowoBlack , Legacy , Historical , Bee
The Bee Gees, to us, was the three brothers. In Maurice's name, we would respect that and not be the Bee Gees anymore.
Autor: Robin GibbName , Three , Respect , Bee
Nothing gives a person more confidence... than to be zipped snugly inside a bee suit.
Autor: Sue HubbellNothing , Person , Confidence , Bee
In fact I was slightly badly behaved at school and got in trouble. I would get a bee in my bonnet about something I thought wasn't right, and I would ape about too, to make everybody laugh. That was my way through my girls' school, because I wasn't very academic.
Autor: Olivia ColmanThought , School , Laugh , Bee