Frases sobre ''Beatles''
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I translated Beatles songs for my English class.
Autor: Christian LacroixEnglish , Class , Songs , Beatles
Of all the '60s - there was Elvis, there was the Beatles, there was the British invasion, Jimmy Hendrix, and Woodstock - the No. 1 record was 'The Twist.'
Autor: Chubby CheckerBeatles , British , Woodstock , Twist
I listen to a lot of Beatles. I have a very specific Beatles discography that I go to.
Autor: GnashGo , Listen , Very , Beatles
The music I listened to as a kid - the Stones, the Beatles - that was so rebellious at the time, it became mainstream.
Autor: Ian SchragerMusic , Time , Kid , Beatles
For me, the Beatles are proof of the existence of God.
Autor: Rick RubinMe , God , Existence , Beatles
Before the Beatles, songwriters were very anonymous people and nobody paid any attention to them.
Autor: Bjorn UlvaeusPeople , Nobody , Attention , Beatles
Beethoven and Beatles, Mozart and Michael Jackson, Paganini and Prince - I like them all.
Autor: Vanessa MaeLike , Them , Beatles , Prince