Frases sobre ''Bathroom''
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It's actually one of the hardest things for trans people, is to go to the bathroom.
Autor: Amy LandeckerPeople , Go , Things , Bathroom
I am going to be working on bathroom fittings for a company in the USA, and then I thought it was appropriate to simplify the fittings and, thus, lowering the cost.
Autor: Arne JacobsenI Am , Thought , Company , Bathroom
I do like to read in bed, but because I have two kids I'm often forced to read in the bathroom.
Autor: Eoin ColferTwo , Like , Bed , Bathroom
There's a lot involved in going to the bathroom for women.
Autor: Leah ReminiWomen , Going , Involved , Bathroom
Castro couldn't even go to the bathroom unless the Soviet Union put the nickel in the toilet.
Autor: Richard M. NixonGo , Toilet , Union , Bathroom
As for the British churchman, he goes to church as he goes to the bathroom, with the minimum of fuss and no explanation if he can help it.
Autor: Ronald BlytheHelp , He , Church , Bathroom
My honeymoon night was spent on the floor in the bathroom with my mother.
Autor: Ronnie SpectorNight , Mother , Honeymoon , Bathroom
He got up and there were both of us in our underwear and this kid goes through the whole thing again, all the closets, the bathroom, everything else and then he left.
Autor: Rod SteigerEverything , Us , Kid , Bathroom
I've dealt with a lot of couples over the years, and most cite the battle for closet and bathroom space as one of the most frequent causes of marital discord.
Autor: Candice OlsonYears , Space , Battle , Bathroom