Frases sobre ''Base''

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Internationally, I have as large of a fan base - if not larger - than I have domestically.

Autor: Wesley Snipes
  Than , Fan , Large , Base

I love second base.

Autor: Ben Zobrist
  Love , I Love , Second , Base

The wavering mind is but a base possession.

Autor: Eurípides
  Mind , Possession , Base , Wavering

I have a fan base who are collectors.

Autor: George Perez
  Who , Fan , Base , Fan Base

So, We're really L.A. based with a secondary base in Chicago.

Autor: James Young
  Really , Chicago , Base , Secondary

I wrestled in high school, so I actually have a bit of a base in grappling.

Autor: Matt Lanter
  School , High , High School , Base

There's no such thing as a partisan base.

Autor: Stephanie Herseth
  Thing , Base , Partisan

I didn't have the base I needed to win the election.

Autor: Rodney Alexander
  Win , Election , Base , Needed

Every form is a base for colour, every colour is the attribute of a form.

Autor: Victor Vasarely
  Form , Every , Colour , Base

I loved the idea of touching base with an audience.

Autor: Jerry Stiller
  Loved , Audience , Touching , Base

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