Frases sobre ''Bad People''
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Bad people doing bad things is not interesting. What I find interesting is good people doing bad things.
Autor: Amy BloomPeople , Good , Good People , Bad People
Because if we the storytellers don't do this, then the bad people will win.
Autor: Christiane AmanpourPeople , Bad , Win , Bad People
One of my biggest fears when I see really bad people on T.V. is that I don't know how they got there.
Autor: Josh ThomasPeople , Know , Bad , Bad People
Bottom line is that there's bad people everywhere. And every now and again, we are going to have to step to them to make sure that we preserve our way of life.
Autor: Marcus LuttrellLife , People , Step , Bad People
I'm not an expert on politics, but there's a bunch of bad people at the top who care about lining their own pockets before creating a society that looks after the vulnerable.
Autor: Sam FenderPeople , Politics , Society , Bad People
There are doctors who help people who have done bad things; there are lawyers who defend bad people. I don't think it's unique to my profession.
Autor: Sean SpicerPeople , Think , Unique , Bad People
There aren't just bad people that commit genocide; we are all capable of it. It's our evolutionary history.
Autor: James LovelockPeople , Bad , History , Bad People
When I started, people would come to interview me, and just knowing that I worked in videogames - it was like people wanted to stone me, it was that bad. People thought of video games as kind of a bad thing in society. Now, people that come to interview me, they have grown up with video games, and they know what they are; they've experienced it.
Autor: Yuji HoriiMe , People , Society , Bad People