Frases sobre ''Bad Boy''
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I've heard I've been called a bad boy, or difficult.
Autor: Alex PettyferBad , Difficult , Boy , Bad Boy
I'm a Hemingway fan, so in a manner of speaking, I've been fishing with him already. But man, would I love to board Pilar in Key West and head south until we have a day-long battle with a tarpon, haul that bad boy up, then celebrate by telling lies over rum on a Cuban terrace.
Autor: Marcus SakeyLove , Man , Celebrate , Bad Boy
I am a bit of a bad boy. I have tattoos and I mess around. That's part of my image, so it's cool.
Autor: Zayn MalikI Am , Boy , Cool , Bad Boy
People like casting me as these characters who definitely have an edge to them, but I don't really think 'bad boy' is something anyone can say about themselves without sounding stupid.
Autor: Blair RedfordMe , People , Stupid , Bad Boy
When I first met Big, we were both at a 'Bad Boy' family photo shoot. I was kind of familiar with the name Biggie Smalls, but I really wasn't that much into hip-hop at the time, so I really didn't know that was him. He said he didn't even know I was an artist on 'Bad Boy.'
Autor: Faith EvansTime , Family , Name , Bad Boy
All girls hit that phase where they like the bad boy. I grew out of that really young and I have a wonderful guy in my life who's not a bad boy at all. I like the satiric, consistent nice guy.
Autor: Kristen BellLife , My Life , Nice , Bad Boy
I don't deal with the whole 'bad boy who doesn't call you.' That doesn't interest me at all, and I just look the other way.
Autor: Mackenzie RosmanYou , Me , Look , Bad Boy
It's amazing to me - what is this love affair we have with bad guys? With the bad boy in high school, with the anti-hero, et cetera, et cetera? Because I was always just a very nice boy. I didn't get it.
Autor: Terry O'QuinnLove , Me , School , Bad Boy