Frases sobre ''Aviation''

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Medical professionals are as skilled and as dedicated as any, but they operate within a fragmented system that has not progressed as far as we have in aviation.

Autor: Chesley Sullenberger
  System , Medical , Far , Aviation

There's simply no substitute for experience in terms of aviation safety.

Autor: Chesley Sullenberger
  Experience , Safety , Simply , Aviation

Aviation is the branch of engineering that is least forgiving of mistakes.

Autor: Freeman Dyson
  Mistakes , Engineering , Branch , Aviation

I used my aviation contacts to open a travel agency. I used to book Caribbean flights.

Autor: Joseph Force Crater
  Book , Travel , Open , Aviation

I was surprised how little I knew about the significant contributions to aviation that had happened right there in Hampton, Virginia.

Autor: Margot Lee Shetterly
  How , Happened , Right , Aviation

Shipping is the greenest method of transport. In terms of carbon emissions per ton per mile, it emits about a thousandth of aviation and about a tenth of trucking. But it's not benign, because there's so much of it. So shipping emissions are about three to four percent, almost the same as aviation's.

Autor: Rose George
  Three , Because , Same , Aviation

I was a big aviation buff as a boy.

Autor: Brian Binnie
  Boy , Big , Aviation , Buff

Aviation - and space travel, in particular - have always been especially captivating.

Autor: Felix Baumgartner
  Always , Space , Travel , Aviation

The Ministry of Civil Aviation should strongly recommend to the cabinet that Jet Airways should be merged with Air India, not only to ensure air services are not restricted but also to enable Air India to recover its former premier position.

Autor: Subramanian Swamy
  Position , Air , India , Aviation

International carriers need to be given greater role in our skies on all routes like several other large countries to make our aviation industry more efficient and competitive and prevent arbitrary pricing by monopolies.

Autor: Naveen Patnaik
  More , Need , Like , Aviation

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