Frases sobre ''Authority''

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The exercise of authority over the same area by two States is a contradiction.

Autor: Benjamin Tucker
  Two , Over , Exercise , Authority

Sin is the reason we abuse our authority.

Autor: Benjamin Watson
  Reason , Sin , Authority , Abuse

In revolutions authority remains with the greatest scoundrels.

Autor: Georges Jacques Danton
  Greatest , Authority , Remains , Scoundrels

And revolutions always mean the breakdown of old authority.

Autor: Hu Shih
  Always , Old , Mean , Authority

Nearly everywhere monarchs raised themselves further above the level of the greatest nobles and buttressed their new pretensions to respect and authority with cannons and taxation.

Autor: J. M. Roberts
  New , Respect , Greatest , Authority

No man has any natural authority over his fellow men.

Autor: Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  Man , Men , Natural , Authority

I'm the Princess of The Authority.

Autor: Nikki Bella
  Princess , Authority

I've never been any good with authority.

Autor: Rupert Everett
  Never , Good , Any , Authority

A titled leader relies heavily on positional power to get things done; a natural leader is able to mobilize others without the whip of formal authority.

Autor: Gary Hamel
  Done , Power , Leader , Authority

In an age that is sometimes nowadays frightening or confusing, we feel reassured by the almost parental-like authority of experts who tell us so clearly what it is we can and cannot do.

Autor: Noreena Hertz
  Sometimes , Feel , Age , Authority

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