Frases sobre ''Athletic''

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I've always been pretty athletic.

Autor: Drew Roy
  Always , Pretty , Been , Athletic

My kids are athletic, but they don't run.

Autor: Jeff Fisher
  Run , Kids , Athletic

I really liked sports and athletic stuff, but I was a total nerd.

Autor: Joe Keery
  Really , Sports , Nerd , Athletic

I have a dance background. I have an athletic background.

Autor: John Travolta
  Background , Dance , Athletic

Being properly prepared is one of the biggest assets in business and in athletic competition.

Autor: Keeth Smart
  Being , Business , Competition , Athletic

I try to be athletic.

Autor: Lara Spencer
  Try , Athletic

Portraying Alex Summers, I want to look as athletic as his character is in the comics.

Autor: Lucas Till
  Look , Want , Character , Athletic

Although I married a sports-loving jock, I myself am not only not athletic, I am acutely, completely uncoordinated.

Autor: Mary Kay Andrews
  Myself , I Am , Only , Athletic

I wasn't athletic. I played baseball, but I was terrible.

Autor: Matt Long
  Baseball , Terrible , Played , Athletic

I was a bookish kid, not really athletic.

Autor: Michael De Luca
  Really , Kid , Athletic

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