Frases sobre ''Astronomy''

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This sight... is by far the noblest astronomy affords.

Autor: Edmond Halley
  Far , Sight , Astronomy , Noblest

The history of astronomy is a history of receding horizons.

Autor: Edwin Powell Hubble
  History , Astronomy , Horizons , Receding

I'm interested in astrology and astronomy.

Autor: Emm Gryner
  Interested , Astronomy , Astrology

We are probably nearing the limit of all we can know about astronomy.

Autor: Simon Newcomb
  Know , About , Limit , Astronomy

Astronomy teaches the correct use of the sun and the planets.

Autor: Stephen Leacock
  Use , Sun , Astronomy , Planets

Astronomy's much more fun when you're not an astronomer.

Autor: Brian May
  You , More , Fun , Astronomy

My amateur interest in astronomy brought out the term 'magnitude', which is used for the brightness of a star.

Autor: Charles Francis Richter
  Out , Used , Interest , Astronomy

Until very recently, the heavenly bodies have been investigated only with reference to their position and their laws of motion, and a quarter of a century ago astronomy was little more than celestial topography.

Autor: George Phillips Bond
  More , Only , Position , Astronomy

The origin of galaxies is one of the fundamental questions of astronomy, and that's what I've been studying.

Autor: Sandra Faber
  Questions , Studying , Origin , Astronomy

This is very similar to astronomy where different magnitudes are assigned to the brightness of an astronomical object, depending on the range of wavelengths being measured.

Autor: Charles Francis Richter
  Being , Where , Different , Astronomy

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