Frases sobre ''Assassin''

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I got 'Elektra: Assassin,' and that's where I learned that she was a tortured soul. She's been through a lot and was possibly psychologically unstable.

Autor: Elodie Yung
  Soul , Through , She , Assassin

Procrastination is opportunity's assassin.

Autor: Victor Kiam
  Opportunity , Assassin , Procrastination

The camera can be the most deadly weapon since the assassin's bullet. Or it can be the lotion of the heart.

Autor: Norman Parkinson
  Heart , Camera , Assassin , Bullet

The weapon of the advocate is the sword of the soldier, not the dagger of the assassin.

Autor: Alexander Cockburn
  Sword , Soldier , Assassin , Weapon

You'd think a sociopath assassin wouldn't have a fan following but he does.

Autor: Laurell K. Hamilton
  You , He , Think , Assassin

One kills a man, one is an assassin; one kills millions, one is a conqueror; one kills everybody, one is a god.

Autor: Jean Rostand
  Everybody , Man , God , Assassin

Michael, to me, he was an assassin. He was one of those guys that prepared himself extremely well and was relentless in his attacking. And there are a few guys who have that mentality. I think Kobe Bryant has that type of mentality, and LeBron has that type of mentality.

Autor: David Robinson
  Me , Think , Well , Assassin

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