Frases sobre ''Arms''
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I'm the world 'Guinness Book of Records' holder of 1,749 hugs in one hour. My arms fell off.
Autor: Nick VujicicWorld , Book , Off , Arms
The legs and arms can be a revelation of the back, the spine's extensions.
Autor: Merce CunninghamBack , Legs , Arms , Spine
I never put my arms around John Gotti, Al Capone or Lucky Luciano.
Autor: Robert StackNever , Lucky , Around , Arms
I was never involved in arms trading. In the Russian Federation, arms trading is the prerogative of the state.
Autor: Roman AbramovichNever , State , Involved , Arms
Insurrection of thought always precedes insurrection of arms.
Autor: Wendell PhillipsAlways , Thought , Arms , Precedes
Project Xanadu is essentially my trademark. It was originally, and has returned to my arms as that.
Autor: Ted NelsonProject , Arms , Trademark , Returned
My father died in my arms. That's tumult. That's everything exploding.
Autor: Richard FordEverything , Father , Died , Arms
I don't need arms, and neither does anyone else... At the very least, a ban would prevent fights from turning deadly.
Autor: Luiz Inacio Lula da SilvaNeed , Very , Arms , Deadly