Frases sobre ''Apartment''
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When I was 12, I forgot the keys to my parent's apartment. So I simply climbed up seven floors to get in.
Autor: Alain RobertUp , Get , Parent , Apartment
I was born and bred in a tiny, low-ceilinged ground-floor apartment.
Autor: Amos OzBorn , I Was Born , Apartment , Tiny
We had a one bedroom, one bathroom, one closet apartment with four girls.
Autor: Connie SelleccaFour , Apartment , Bathroom , Bedroom
If the banks become unreliable lenders, apartment prices will drop dramatically.
Autor: Harry TriguboffWill , Become , Apartment , Drop
I no longer want to live in an apartment furnished with forklifts and backhoes.
Autor: Nicholson BakerWant , Live , Apartment , Longer
I'd like to have a 15 million euro villa, but if I can't afford it, I have to look for an apartment that I like.
Autor: Massimiliano AllegriLook , Like , Afford , Apartment
I'm the biggest slob in the world. My apartment is a mess.
Autor: Monica KeenaWorld , Biggest , Mess , Apartment
I'm in a loft and the kitchen is in the very center of the apartment. The whole place revolves around it.
Autor: Ted AllenPlace , Kitchen , Apartment , Center
I started working when I was seven, and ever since then I've been saving for an apartment. Even before that I had a little jam jar designated for my apartment money.
Autor: Keira KnightleyMoney , Started , Little , Apartment