Frases sobre ''Antique''
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My favourite finds are often antique pieces with a history.
Autor: Alice TemperleyHistory , Often , Favourite , Pieces , Antique
I jog at the Rose Bowl, and I collect antique and vintage furniture, so I'm there every few weeks for the flea market.
Autor: Theo RossiVintage , Rose , Furniture , Antique
I shop a lot more for furniture than I do for clothes. I much prefer going to an antique shop full of obscurities.
Autor: Erin WassonMore , Clothes , Furniture , Antique
My father loved antique shops and shows, and quite a bit of my childhood involved outings to dim, dusty places packed with cast-off treasures.
Autor: Gail Z. MartinFather , Loved , Childhood , Antique
I have no interest in making music that's built for an antique shop.
Autor: James Vincent McMorrowMusic , Making , Interest , Antique
On the other hand, I don't understand the enthusiasm for everything in the antique shop that Grandma threw out. There, the sense of quality has declined; otherwise Grandma wouldn't have thrown it out.
Autor: Arne JacobsenUnderstand , Quality , Enthusiasm , Antique
The 370-year-old antique shop Trifles and Folly is the heart of 'Deadly Curiosities,' my new urban fantasy novel from Solaris Books.
Autor: Gail Z. MartinNew , Heart , Fantasy , Antique
It is not architectural achievement that makes the structures of earlier times seem to us so full of significance but the circumstance that antique temples, Roman basilicas, and even the cathedrals of the Middle Ages are not the works of single personalities but creations of entire epochs.
Autor: Ludwig Mies van der RoheSingle , Us , Achievement , Antique
I don't get attached to anything. I'm like a good antique dealer. I'm prepared to sell my most valuable table.
Autor: Ridley ScottLike , Good , Anything , Antique