Frases sobre ''Angels''
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There was no club but the Hells Angels as far as I was concerned.
Autor: Chuck ZitoClub , Far , Angels , Concerned
It would almost be sinful to say that I regretted doing 'Charlie's Angels' because it did so much for my career.
Autor: Farrah FawcettCareer , Doing , Say , Angels
Since my illness, I've felt the presence of my angels.
Autor: Fran DrescherIllness , Angels , Presence , Felt
The near stillness recalls what is forgotten, extinct angels.
Autor: Georg TraklStillness , Angels , Forgotten , Extinct
Angels are like diamonds. They can't be made, you have to find them. Each one is unique.
Autor: Jaclyn SmithYou , Unique , Angels , Diamonds
A Cherubim or leader of a kingdom of angels is the fountain or heart of his whole kingdom, and is made out of all the powers out of which his angels are made, and is the most powerful and the brightest of them all.
Autor: Jakob BohmeHeart , Powerful , Leader , Angels
You can't have eyes on the wall, or the angels won't come in. That's what we believe.
Autor: Sonny Bill WilliamsYou , Eyes , Believe , Angels
I had a lot of Marwari friends, both in Holy Angels School and Ethiraj College.
Autor: Aishwarya RajeshFriends , College , School , Angels
We always saw ourselves in careers as entrepreneurs or angels.
Autor: Cameron WinklevossAlways , Angels , Ourselves , Saw