Frases sobre ''Ancestors''
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If you remember your ancestors, they can cross over and be with you again.
Autor: Anthony GonzalezYou , Your , Remember , Ancestors
There is no escape - we pay for the violence of our ancestors.
Autor: Frank HerbertEscape , Pay , Violence , Ancestors
I'd love to meet my ancestors. I'd love to be able to speak to them.
Autor: Louise ErdrichLove , Speak , Meet , Ancestors
In France, when there was a war, we fought and our ancestors fought, though many had real reason to flee the Germans.
Autor: Marion Marechal-Le PenWar , Real , Reason , Ancestors
My ancestors came from Co Roscommon, transported to Van Diemen's Land for stealing food.
Autor: Richard FlanaganLand , Food , Stealing , Ancestors
Writing is conscience, scruple, and the farming of our ancestors.
Autor: Edward DahlbergWriting , Farming , Conscience , Ancestors
We all have genes that come from our ancestors that aren't used - they're not turned on. So we actually carry ancient genes with us. If you could figure out how to turn those on, you could resurrect ancient characteristics from our ancestors.
Autor: Jack HornerYou , Us , Turn , Ancestors
My mother's Maori, and my father's Australian. I take my strength from both my ancestors, and I'm really privileged.
Autor: Robert WhittakerFather , Strength , Mother , Ancestors
In the modern era, Jewish sovereignty over the land of our ancestors is a relatively short phenomenon. From the time of the successful Maccabean revolt to the Roman annexation in 63 BC constitutes about 100 years of Jewish rule. Combined with Israel's independence in 1948, this is about 160 years of effective sovereignty.
Autor: Edgar Bronfman, Sr.Time , Short , Independence , Ancestors