Frases sobre ''Amendment''

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The Hyde Amendment might prohibit federal dollars from directly funding abortion, but federal money is used elsewhere in Planned Parenthood, which allows other funds to be used for abortion.

Autor: Tomi Lahren
  Money , Abortion , Used , Amendment

The First Amendment is very important, but it's not everything.

Autor: Anthony Lewis
  Everything , First , Important , Very , Amendment

The Second Amendment is not about hunting. It is about protecting ourselves from a tyrannical government.

Autor: Derrick Grayson
  About , Government , Hunting , Amendment

I'm a gun owner and strong supporter of the Second Amendment.

Autor: Evan McMullin
  Strong , Gun , Second , Amendment

As to the media, they are protected by the First Amendment, as they should be.

Autor: L. Neil Smith
  First , Media , First Amendment , Amendment

We are proudly a gun state and respect the Second Amendment.

Autor: Matt Mead
  Respect , Gun , Second , Amendment

The 'takings' clause of the Fifth Amendment is for conservatives what the equal protection clause of the 14th is for liberals.

Autor: Michael Kinsley
  Protection , Equal , Amendment , Liberals

Statutes authorizing unreasonable searches were the core concern of the framers of the 4th Amendment.

Autor: Sandra Day O'Connor
  History , Concern , Amendment , Core

The Second Amendment says we have the right to bear arms, not to bear artillery.

Autor: Robin Williams
  Right , Says , Bear , Amendment

No patent medicine was ever put to wider and more varied use than the Fourteenth Amendment.

Autor: William O. Douglas
  More , Medicine , Use , Amendment

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