Frases sobre ''Agreement''

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Bruce Norris came in twice to audition for 'The Corrections' and subsequently spent many months negotiating every point in a four-year agreement to appear in the show.

Autor: Scott Rudin
  Point , Show , Twice , Agreement

The logical thing is to implement the Arab Defense Agreement.

Autor: Bashar al-Assad
  Thing , Defense , Agreement , Logical

At Geneva, the neutral states were often in agreement concerning the preliminaries for Genoa, and Genoa itself was marked by a quite natural mutual exchange of ideas.

Autor: Hjalmar Branting
  Ideas , Natural , Exchange , Agreement

That was the principle of reparations to which President Truman agreed at Potsdam. And the United States will not agree to the taking from Germany of greater reparations than was provided by the Potsdam Agreement.

Autor: James F. Byrnes
  Will , President , Germany , Agreement

When people are divided, the only solution is agreement.

Autor: John Hume
  People , Only , Solution , Agreement

I've never seen the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Autor: Michael Heisley
  Never , Seen , Agreement , Collective

It is neither my intention to depart from the route of John Garang nor to change the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.

Autor: Salva Kiir Mayardit
  Change , Peace , Intention , Agreement

An agreement is an agreement, and when you make it, you should stick to it.

Autor: Leo Varadkar
  You , Make , Stick , Agreement

The multi-party agreement, known as the Global Political Agreement (GPA), created the Government of National Unity (GNU) that has acted as Zimbabwe's governing institution since 2009.

Autor: Roy Bennett
  Political , Unity , Government , Agreement

The Republican movement have not behaved properly over the years. They have not themselves implemented the Agreement. If they had implemented the Agreement then they would have disarmed completely in May 2000, that is what they undertook to do, that is what they failed to do.

Autor: David Trimble
  Years , Over , Republican , Agreement

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