Frases sobre ''Aggression''

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Aggression is simply another name for government.

Autor: Benjamin Tucker
  Name , Government , Simply , Aggression

New Zealanders have conventions and pleasantries, but we are direct. We are encouraged to be transparent with our behavior and not to employ passive aggression.

Autor: Daniel Gillies
  New , Behavior , Aggression , Transparent

Provision must be made for the extension of speedy and effective assistance when any African State is threatened with military aggression. We cannot rely solely on international morality.

Autor: Haile Selassie
  Cannot , Military , Morality , Aggression

Most of the victims of Nazi aggression were before the war less well off than Germany. They should not be expected by Germany to bear, unaided, the major costs of Nazi aggression.

Autor: James F. Byrnes
  War , Well , Aggression , Bear

It is still more likely that a woman's power would be seen as aggression, and a man's power would be seen as assertion.

Autor: Jessye Norman
  Man , Power , Woman , Aggression

In the past, Japan through its colonial rule and aggression caused tremendous damage and suffering for the people of many countries, particularly those of Asian nations.

Autor: Junichiro Koizumi
  People , Past , Suffering , Aggression

What many teachers observe as violent behavior is often really just playful aggression.

Autor: Brian Sutton-Smith
  Just , Behavior , Teachers , Aggression

Aggression at a time when the economy was growing at substantial rates and the retail lending as an industry was growing at a substantial rate was an appropriate aggression. Caution at a time when the economic environment is so uncertain is an appropriate caution.

Autor: Chanda Kochhar
  Time , Environment , Economic , Aggression

There is indeed the possibility that the evolutionary process has, in gray antiquity, bred into us an excess of aggression.

Autor: Konrad Lorenz
  Process , Us , Gray , Aggression

Our purpose in Vietnam is to prevent the success of aggression. It is not conquest, it is not empire, it is not foreign bases, it is not domination. It is, simply put, just to prevent the forceful conquest of South Vietnam by North Vietnam.

Autor: Lyndon B. Johnson
  Just , Success , Purpose , Aggression

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