Frases sobre ''1950s''
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In the 1950s, I proposed the survivor method of determining the efficient sizes of enterprises, and worked on delivered price systems, vertical integration, and similar topics.
Autor: George StiglerPrice , Survivor , 1950s , Integration
You ingest the automobile in the very air of Detroit. Or at least you did in the 1940s and 1950s.
Autor: Edward HerrmannYou , Air , Automobile , 1950s
I grew up in Marin County north of San Francisco, and in the 1950s and '60s it was a natural paradise.
Autor: Huey LewisUp , Paradise , Natural , 1950s
In the late 1950s a major topic under discussion was whether Canada should acquire nuclear weapons.
Autor: John PolanyiLate , Canada , Discussion , 1950s
Women in the 1950s were so much sexier. That's what I aspire to look like.
Autor: Kelly BrookLook , Like , Women , 1950s
The activities that went on at Camp King between 1946 and the late 1950s have never been fully accounted for by either the Department of Defense or the CIA.
Autor: Annie JacobsenNever , King , Late , 1950s
Housewives of the 1950s were supposed to create show-stopping meals every night for their hard-working husbands.
Autor: Caroline LeavittNight , Were , Create , 1950s