Frases sobre 'Universe'

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Technology is us. There is no separation. It's a pure expression of human creative will. It doesn't exist anywhere else in the universe. I'm rather sure of that.

Autor: David Cronenberg
  Will , Universe , Creative , Technology

The whole of the hydrogen on the earth might be transformed at once and the success of the experiment published at large to the universe as a new star.

Autor: Francis William Aston
  New , Success , Earth , Universe

In basic research, the use of the electron microscope has revealed to us the complex universe of the cell, the basic unit of life.

Autor: Gunter Blobel
  Life , Research , Us , Universe

As much as I enjoy seeing other guys do the superhero approach to the Batman universe, personally my own vision falls a bit left of center.

Autor: Lee Bermejo
  My Own , Enjoy , Universe , Vision

We are part of this universe; we are in this universe, but perhaps more important than both of those facts, is that the universe is in us.

Autor: Neil deGrasse Tyson
  Important , Us , Universe , Facts

The function of the artist in a disturbed society is to give awareness of the universe, to ask the right questions, and to elevate the mind.

Autor: Marina Abramovic
  Mind , Society , Universe , Artist

What do I have to say to the universe? A soul ought to have something to say to the universe if it's going to be immortal.

Autor: Sheri S. Tepper
  Something , Say , Soul , Universe

Prayer is a form of meditation, isn't it? It's laws of attraction: whatever you put out into the universe is what it receives. It's just kind of putting your thoughts out into the universe.

Autor: Anthony Joshua
  You , Thoughts , Prayer , Universe

Hubble has established for the first time that the distant universe looks different from the nearby universe.

Autor: Sandra Faber
  Time , Looks , Universe , First Time

One of the things that I've been doing recently in my scientific research is to ask this question: Is the universe actually capable of performing things like digital computations?

Autor: Seth Lloyd
  Doing , Research , Universe , Digital

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