Frases sobre 'Trade'

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My overall message for labor members is... that we understand that the benefits of trade are clear, but the disruption and the dislocation are painfully concentrated and we can't ignore them.

Autor: Alexis Herman
  Understand , Trade , Ignore , Message

There is no friendship in trade.

Autor: Cornelius Vanderbilt
  Trade , Friendship

In the same manner if any nation wasted part of its wealth, or lost part of its trade, it could not retain the same quantity of circulating medium which it before possessed.

Autor: David Ricardo
  Lost , Trade , Nation , Wealth

Emerging market and developing economies have benefited from monetary easing in major economies but have also faced volatile risk sentiment tied to trade tensions.

Autor: Gita Gopinath
  Trade , Risk , Market , Sentiment

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist.

Autor: Martin Niemoller
  Because , Out , Trade , Speak

There is $1.4 billion a day in trade that goes back and forth across the border. That means millions of jobs and livelihoods for families here in Canada and for families in the United States.

Autor: Paul Cellucci
  Day , Back , Trade , Canada

The last thing a Trump administration plans is a trade war. The issue simply is getting a decent trade deal with each of the major trading partners.

Autor: Peter Navarro
  War , Trade , Last , Plans

I do believe that international trade agreements benefit both nations, always.

Autor: Phil Knight
  Always , Believe , Trade , Benefit

The earliest dictionaries were collections of criminal slang, swapped amongst ne'er-do-wells as a means of evading the authorities or indeed any outsider who might threaten the trade.

Autor: Susie Dent
  Who , Trade , Outsider , Slang

Both France and Britain are supportive of India's bid for a broad-based agreement on trade and investment with the European Union.

Autor: Salman Khurshid
  Trade , India , Investment , European Union

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