Frases sobre 'Toilet'
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I used to learn my lines on the toilet, in the car, at dinner.
Autor: Angie DickinsonCar , Lines , Dinner , Toilet
Yup, the toilet is my best friend before a show.
Autor: Eric CarrBest , Friend , Best Friend , Toilet
Well, I don't use the toilet much to pee in. I almost always pee in the yard or the garden, because I like to pee on my estate.
Autor: Iggy PopAlways , Like , Garden , Toilet
Castro couldn't even go to the bathroom unless the Soviet Union put the nickel in the toilet.
Autor: Richard M. NixonGo , Toilet , Union , Bathroom
France is the country where the money falls apart and you can't tear the toilet paper.
Autor: Billy Wilder - Director, guionista y productor de cine de origenYou , Money , Country , Toilet
You can flush my ashes down the toilet, for all I care.
Autor: Carolyn Gold HeilbrunYou , Care , Down , Toilet
Where do you get lumpy tiles? Well, of course, you don't. But I get a lot of toilets, and so you just dispatch a toilet with a hammer, and then you have lumpy tiles.
Autor: Dan PhillipsYou , Just , Well , Toilet
I'm a little thirsty, can I go drink out of your toilet?
Autor: Mark McKinneyYour , Go , Drink , Toilet