Frases sobre 'Theory'

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In the first quarter of the nineteenth century the experimental proof for the interdependence of the composition and properties of chemical compounds resulted in the theory that they are mutually related, so that like composition governs like properties, and conversely.

Autor: Wilhelm Ostwald
  Like , First , Theory , Related

Since Einstein developed his theory of relativity, and Rutherford and Bohr revolutionised physics, our picture of the world has radically changed.

Autor: A. N. Wilson
  World , Picture , Physics , Theory

We don't have a solid theory of how the universe originated, but that doesn't mean we have to invoke a deity.

Autor: Alan Guth
  How , Theory , Universe , Mean

We completely reject the theory of evolution.

Autor: John Ambrose Fleming
  Theory , Evolution , Reject

There is no controversy within science over the core proposition of evolutionary theory.

Autor: Kenneth R. Miller
  Science , Over , Theory , Within

My theory is, 'Happy mommy, happy baby.'

Autor: Kim Kardashian
  Happy , Theory , Baby , Mommy

Well, gauge theory is very fundamental to our understanding of physical forces these days. But they are also dependent on a mathematical idea, which has been around for longer than gauge theory has.

Autor: Roger Penrose
  Well , Understanding , Theory , Days

Today's practicality is often no more than the accepted form of yesterday's theory.

Autor: Kenneth L. Pike
  More , Today , Theory , Yesterday

The theory of cultural bias... is the idea that a culture is based on a particular form of organization. It can't be transplanted except to another variant of that organization.

Autor: Mary Douglas
  Culture , Theory , Organization , Bias

I worked out a rather deep-dish theory defining the theater as a form of architecture rather than a form of literature.

Autor: Preston Sturges
  Literature , Out , Theory , Architecture

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