Frases sobre 'Taxes'

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A balanced program for tax reform based upon the common sense idea of lowering taxes out of surplus revenues.

Autor: Andrew Mellon
  Sense , Out , Tax , Taxes , Common Sense

I don't mind paying the taxes I pay, which is pretty considerable.

Autor: Bill Bennett
  Pretty , Mind , Pay , Taxes

Read my lips: no new taxes.

Autor: George H. W. Bush
  New , Read , Lips , Taxes

I do believe that we need to lower taxes on our hard working Iowans immediately.

Autor: Joni Ernst
  Need , Believe , Hard , Taxes

Instead of raising the minimum wage, let's lower taxes for the working poor.

Autor: Kathy Szeliga
  Poor , Working , Taxes , Minimum Wage

We pay taxes, and we help the city coffers.

Autor: Manuel Moroun
  Help , Pay , City , Taxes

We have a system that increasingly taxes work and subsidizes nonwork.

Autor: Milton Friedman
  Work , System , Taxes , Increasingly

Nothing is certain in life but death and taxes. And in Donald Trump's case, lies.

Autor: Pamela Meyer
  Life , Nothing , Death , Taxes

The lesson for the next U.S. president: Raise the taxes on fuel. A lot.

Autor: Serge Schmemann
  Next , President , Lesson , Taxes

We rule out raising taxes this year.

Autor: Luis de Guindos
  Out , Rule , Year , Taxes

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