Frases sobre 'Spooky'
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Engineers working in the 'black world' of classified military projects are often referred to in military circles as 'black hats.' There are a lot of jokes about the difference between 'white hats' and their spooky counterparts.
Autor: Trevor PaglenBlack , World , White , Spooky
Listing and counting have a spooky, magical power, and the holiday season is a spooky, magical time.
Autor: Elif BatumanTime , Power , Holiday , Spooky
I'm always looking for a sign - not in a spooky, supernatural way, but in a 'neurotic writer' kind of way.
Autor: Erik LarsonAlways , Looking , Way , Spooky
But I love Halloween, and I love that feeling: the cold air, the spooky dangers lurking around the corner.
Autor: Evan PetersLove , Feeling , Halloween , Spooky
The spooky thing is that two weeks before the Grammys, I wrote down my goals, and one of them was, 'To be on the top of the Billboard charts with a song I wrote and performed.' ... It's completely unheard of.
Autor: Joy VillaGoals , Song , Down , Spooky
I'm not usually where I think I am. It's kind of spooky.
Autor: Laurie AndersonWhere , Think , I Am , Spooky
I thought labs were such cinematic, spooky spaces.
Autor: Megan AbbottThought , Were , Cinematic , Spooky
I'm always interested in the spooky repurposing of everyday things.
Autor: William GibsonAlways , Things , Everyday , Spooky
'Social engineering,' the fancy term for tricking you into giving away your digital secrets, is at least as great a threat as spooky technology.
Autor: Barton GellmanYou , Great , Technology , Spooky