Frases sobre 'Renaissance'

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In essence the Renaissance was simply the green end of one of civilization's hardest winters.

Autor: John Fowles
  End , Green , Civilization , Renaissance

I'm finishing my Ph.D. in Italian Renaissance history.

Autor: Peter Weller
  History , Finishing , Italian , Renaissance

When I was young, I was interested in Renaissance art.

Autor: Sigmar Polke
  Art , Young , Interested , Renaissance

But it has been a long process because I'm kind of a renaissance person.

Autor: Ronnie Montrose
  Long , Process , Person , Renaissance

I went to a restaurant that serves 'breakfast at any time'. So I ordered French Toast during the Renaissance.

Autor: Steven Wright
  Time , Breakfast , Restaurant , Renaissance

We're starting to see a renaissance of investors embracing the idea that scientists can build businesses.

Autor: Ryan Bethencourt
  See , Build , Starting , Renaissance

My parents grew up during the Harlem renaissance.

Autor: Taj Mahal
  Up , Parents , Renaissance , Harlem

No account of the Renaissance can be complete without some notice of the attempt made by certain Italian scholars of the fifteenth century to reconcile Christianity with the religion of ancient Greece.

Autor: Walter Pater
  Some , Without , Religion , Renaissance

Senegal needs a renaissance.

Autor: Youssou N'Dour
  Needs , Renaissance

I'm a modern-day renaissance man.

Autor: Winston Marshall
  Man , Renaissance , Modern-Day

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