Frases sobre 'Public Service'

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I was raised in a family dedicated to public service.

Autor: Diane S. Sykes
  Family , Service , Public , Public Service

Elective office and public service are obviously something that have long ties with my family, and something I'm definitely interested in.

Autor: Joe Kennedy III
  Family , Long , Service , Public Service

In Romania, we have pledged to create a modern public service: well-educated, appropriately rewarded and above all, de-politicized.

Autor: Victor Ponta
  Service , Modern , Create , Public Service

I'll put my conservative record up against anybody's record. I have a 10-year career in public service, and I'm proud of the things I've been able to accomplish.

Autor: Carlos Lopez-Cantera
  Proud , Career , Service , Public Service

If I had to work a 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. job in the public service, I'd freak out.

Autor: Caroline Buchanan
  Work , Job , Service , Public Service

I have a lifelong devotion to public service.

Autor: Caroline Kennedy
  Service , Devotion , Public Service

In addition to fines, violators of decency standards could be required to air public service announcements serving educational and informational needs of children.

Autor: Charles W. Pickering
  Children , Air , Service , Public Service

There was no measure that required greater caution or more severe scrutiny than one to impose taxes or raise a loan, be the form what it may. I hold that government has no right to do either, except when the public service makes it imperiously necessary, and then only to the extent that it requires.

Autor: John C. Calhoun
  Service , Government , Public Service

There's a truth about public service that is often unspoken and rarely understood - that the role of our elected officials is about much more than balancing budgets and ensuring the delivery of essential services.

Autor: J. B. Pritzker
  More , Truth , Service , Public Service

Women are able to fit public service into their lives. Once they find out they like it and can do it, there is plenty of room to grow.

Autor: Maggie Hassan
  Grow , Women , Service , Public Service

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