Frases sobre 'Nuclear Weapons'

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The Obama presidency has two great missions: fixing the economy, and preventing Iran from gaining nuclear weapons.

Autor: Benjamin Netanyahu
  Two , Great , Economy , Nuclear Weapons

Nuclear weapons and TV have simply intensified the consequences of our tendencies, upped the stakes.

Autor: David Foster Wallace
  Consequences , Weapons , Nuclear Weapons

Nuclear weapons offer us nothing but a balance of terror, and a balance of terror is still terror.

Autor: George Wald
  Nothing , Us , Balance , Nuclear Weapons

We have to get rid of those nuclear weapons.

Autor: George Wald
  Get , Those , Weapons , Nuclear Weapons

It is not viable for one country to demand a right to increase and upgrade its nuclear weapons capabilities while asking others to eliminate theirs.

Autor: John Bruton
  Others , Right , Country , Nuclear Weapons

Indeed, the very first resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations - adopted unanimously - called for the elimination of nuclear weapons.

Autor: Joseph Rotblat
  First , United Nations , Nuclear Weapons

As for the assertion that nuclear weapons prevent wars, how many more wars are needed to refute this arguments? Tens of millions have died in the many wars that have taken place since 1945.

Autor: Joseph Rotblat
  More , Place , How , Nuclear Weapons

The larger picture here is that a North Korea with nuclear weapons adds to the larger proliferation risk.

Autor: Susan Rice
  Here , Picture , Risk , Nuclear Weapons

Our mission was to make sure that the bad guys, basically, did not get nuclear weapons.

Autor: Valerie Plame
  Bad , Make , Mission , Nuclear Weapons

We've already seen proliferation. We started it with Britain, then France. Then we benignly let the Israelis do it. The Pakistanis and the Indians have recently done it. The Chinese have nuclear weapons.

Autor: William Odom
  Done , Seen , Started , Nuclear Weapons

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