Frases sobre 'Nation'

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Putting a man on the moon united our nation in victory and we've collectively mourned through tragedies such as Apollo 1, the Challenger and Columbia.

Autor: Will Hurd
  Man , Nation , Moon , Victory

There never yet was, and never will be, a nation permanently great, consisting, for the greater part, of wretched and miserable families.

Autor: William Cobbett - Político y periodista inglés.
  Never , Will , Great , Nation

We would certainly welcome the recipient nation to put their inspectors on our shores, if they wanted to make that investment to help protect that shipment that is outgoing.

Autor: Asa Hutchinson
  Help , Welcome , Nation , Investment

In the same manner if any nation wasted part of its wealth, or lost part of its trade, it could not retain the same quantity of circulating medium which it before possessed.

Autor: David Ricardo
  Lost , Trade , Nation , Wealth

I come from a Latin nation that had an open policy with the U.S. My parents moved right to Florida, opened a pharmacy, and had me.

Autor: Josh Segarra
  Me , Parents , Right , Nation

It was no accident that just minutes after Israel became a nation, the United States... became the first nation in the world to recognize what was prophesized throughout the Old Testament about Israel returning after its absence.

Autor: Louie Gohmert
  World , Old , Nation , Returning

We're quickly moving to the point where we will have no military bases in the Northeast, and this undermines support for the military. We are a nation of citizen soldiers.

Autor: Rob Simmons
  Will , Support , Nation , Moving

The only fruitful promise of which the life of any individual or any nation can be possessed, is a promise determined by an ideal.

Autor: Herbert Croly
  Life , Only , Nation , Individual

We have seen... that, although England is by far the richest nation of Europe, we have already outstripped her in the race after wealth, and we have only begun the development of our vast resources.

Autor: Josiah Strong
  Race , Development , Nation , Wealth

Since we replaced the compulsory military draft with an all-volunteer force in 1973, our nation has been making decisions about wars without worry over who fights them. I sincerely believe that reinstating the draft would compel the American public to have a stake in the wars we fight as a nation.

Autor: Charles B. Rangel
  Fight , Believe , Nation , Worry

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