Frases sobre 'Myths'

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The sea always offers up incredible stories of survivors' fortitude. Myths of a lot of countries have variations on that.

Autor: Colin Farrell
  Always , Up , Sea , Myths

The ancient Greeks have a knack of wrapping truths in myths.

Autor: George Lloyd
  Ancient , Myths , Greeks , Wrapping

It is a sure sign that a culture has reached a dead end when it is no longer intrigued by its myths.

Autor: Greil Marcus
  Culture , End , Dead , Myths

I don't believe in myths of decline or myths of progress, even as regards the literary scene.

Autor: Harold Bloom - Escritor, periodista y político español.
  Believe , Progress , Scene , Myths

We must not be hampered by yesterday's myths in concentrating on today's needs.

Autor: Harold S. Geneen
  Today , Must , Yesterday , Myths

I have always found fact infinitely more interesting than myths and falsehoods.

Autor: John Brunner
  More , Always , Interesting , Myths

Science must begin with myths, and with the criticism of myths.

Autor: Karl Popper - Filósofo inglés.
  Science , Criticism , Begin , Myths

The Russian myths of the Second World War are still intact.

Autor: Norman Davies
  World , War , Still , Myths

I decided to write about the myths of divorce.

Autor: Mary Garden
  About , Write , Divorce , Myths

Instead of blaming victimization on the victims, the Gospels blame it on the victimizers. What the myths systematically hide, the Bible reveals.

Autor: Rene Girard
  Bible , Hide , Blame , Myths

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