Frases sobre 'Moral'
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In our country the lie has become not just a moral category but a pillar of the State.
Autor: Aleksandr SolzhenitsynMoral , Lie , Become , Country
Moral choices do not depend on personal preference and private decision but on right reason and, I would add, divine order.
Autor: Basil HumeMoral , Depend , Decision , Choices
There is a fundamental question we all have to face. How are we to live our lives; by what principles and moral values will we be guided and inspired?
Autor: H. Jackson Brown, Jr.Moral , Live , Will , Face
The moral world is as little exempt as the physical world from the law of ceaseless change, of perpetual flux.
Autor: James G. FrazerMoral , World , Change , Law
La moral es la ciencia por excelencia; es el arte de vivir bien y de ser dichoso.
Autor: Blaise Pascal - Científico, filósofo y escritor francés.Sociedad , Moral
Lo malo de la conciencia es que siempre está hecha a la medida.
Autor: Jacinto Benavente - Dramaturgo español.Moral
The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.
Autor: Dante Alighieri - Escritor y filósofo italiano.Moral , Politics , Hell , Darkest
Bono is my inspiration - not only as a rock star but as a humanitarian. We aren't just put on this earth to sell records. Maybe it's because of my upbringing, but I do consider myself a moral guy.
Autor: Jesse McCartneyMoral , Myself , Earth , Rock
All individuals in all cultures use the same thirty basic moral categories, concepts, or principles, and all individuals in all cultures go through the same order or sequence of gross stage development, though they vary in rate and terminal point of development.
Autor: Lawrence KohlbergMoral , Go , Principles , Development
The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are as much every U.S. citizen's wars as they are the veterans' wars. If we don't assume that civilians have just as much ownership and the moral responsibilities that we have as a nation when we embark on something like that, then we're in a very bad situation.
Autor: Phil KlayMoral , Bad , Nation , Situation