Frases sobre 'Limits'

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There are limits on what a president can achieve or do, but the expectations are so great.

Autor: Robert Dallek
  Great , Achieve , Limits , Expectations

Stupidity is infinitely more fascinating that intelligence. Intelligence has its limits while stupidity has none.

Autor: Claude Chabrol - Director de cine francés.
  More , Intelligence , Limits , Stupidity

We are a coalition government, and that limits our options in some ways. Privatization happens to be one such area.

Autor: Manmohan Singh
  Some , Happens , Government , Limits

We're all always wondering about our own limits, what we're capable of.

Autor: Patty Jenkins
  Always , Own , Limits , Capable

The logic of validation allows us to move between the two limits of dogmatism and skepticism.

Autor: Paul Ricoeur
  Two , Us , Logic , Limits

Like a nontechnical user trying to understand a technical problem, our racial illiteracy limits our ability to have meaningful conversations about race.

Autor: Robin DiAngelo
  Understand , Trying , Problem , Limits

The process of radiation may be, and is, continuous - at any rate within limits extending to far smaller quantities than the quantum.

Autor: Charles Glover Barkla
  Process , Far , Within , Limits

The high price of health care in this country is a serious issue that demands serious attention. Putting limits on damages have little or no effect on skyrocketing malpractice insurance rates.

Autor: Mary Landrieu
  Care , Serious , Health , Limits

As a lawyer and a former prosecutor, I know the limits of the power and authority of the president. I know what is legal and what is not.

Autor: Rodrigo Duterte
  Power , Lawyer , Legal , Limits

Protecting national security amounts to looking for needles in a haystack. The work becomes more difficult if the haystack is larger. Restricting immigration generally, and illegal immigration in particular, limits growth in the haystack, and supports protection of national security.

Autor: Jan C. Ting
  Work , Looking , Growth , Limits

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