Frases sobre 'Lie'

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It is sometimes necessary to lie damnably in the interests of the nation.

Autor: Hilaire Belloc - Historiador inglés.
  Lie , Sometimes , Nation , Necessary

But the important thing is to lie down and fall asleep. That little nap means you wake up fresh again and can continue.

Autor: James Levine
  You , Lie , Fall , Wake Up

I lied to everybody. I lie very well, being an actress, naturally.

Autor: Lynn Fontanne
  Being , Lie , Well , Actress

From the moment Arsenal made an approach, everything was clear for me. I'm not going to lie, I thought it would happen later in my career. But joining such a club at 19, any player would like that.

Autor: Matteo Guendouzi
  Me , Lie , Moment , Thought

Washington couldn't tell a lie, Nixon couldn't tell the truth, and Reagan couldn't tell the difference.

Autor: Mort Sahl
  Lie , Truth , Tell , Difference

Sometimes you have to lie. One often has to distort a thing to catch its true spirit.

Autor: Robert J. Flaherty
  You , Lie , Sometimes , True

A human being at rest runs on 90 watts. That's how much power you need just to lie down. And if you're a hunter-gatherer and you live in the Amazon, you'll need about 250 watts. That's how much energy it takes to run about and find food.

Autor: Geoffrey West
  You , Lie , Food , Power

I remember the moment in which we were taken hostage in Libya, and we were asked to lie face down on the ground, and they started putting our arms behind our backs and started tying us up. And we were each begging for our lives because they were deciding whether to execute us, and they had guns to our heads.

Autor: Lynsey Addario
  Lie , Moment , Remember , Face

Tact: to lie about others as you would have them lie about you.

Autor: Oliver Herford
  You , Others , Lie , About

I try to lie as much as I can when I'm interviewed. It's reverse psychology. I figure if you lie, they'll print the truth.

Autor: River Phoenix
  You , Lie , Truth , I Can

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