Frases sobre 'Legislative'

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I've long favored smart judicial-selection reform - every member of my court does - and every legislative session, reform measures are filed... and then they fail.

Autor: Don Willett
  Long , Fail , Smart , Legislative

This bill is the legislative equivalent of crack. It yields a short-term high but does long-term damage to the system and it's expensive to boot.

Autor: Barney Frank
  High , System , Expensive , Legislative

Nothing happens in any legislative body that's not purposeful.

Autor: Dan Webster
  Nothing , Body , Happens , Legislative

If we were left to ourselves, unfettered by legislative enactments, we should gradually withdraw our capital from the cultivation of such lands, and import the produce which is at present raised upon them.

Autor: David Ricardo
  Them , Left , Present , Legislative

The constitution controls any legislative act repugnant to it.

Autor: John Marshall
  Act , Any , Constitution , Legislative

There's a lot of bipartisan rancor, a lot of excessive delegation of legislative power from the legislative branch to the executive branch.

Autor: Mike Lee
  Power , Executive , Branch , Legislative

Upon you, fellow-citizens, as the representatives of the States and the people, is wisely devolved the legislative power.

Autor: Millard Fillmore
  You , People , Power , Legislative

I will not use my legislative powers except in a very limited framework.

Autor: Mohammed Morsi
  Will , Very , Use , Legislative

Redistricting is one of the purest actions a legislative body can take.

Autor: John Engler
  Body , Take , Actions , Legislative

I've been in the legislative branch and now the executive branch and in each case I felt it was important we use our constitutional responsibilities to the fullest.

Autor: John Engler
  Important , Now , Use , Legislative

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