Frases sobre 'Legal'

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The legacy of slavery comes from the sustained political, legal and economic effort to link permanently an entire group of people to poverty - and to mystify that systematic disenfranchisement by making up something called race, which could serve as a distraction.

Autor: Sarah Churchwell
  People , Effort , Legal , Poverty

In an instant, the law was transformed: from the last passenger on the safe-haven bandwagon to a pioneer into uncharted territory. For the first time in American history, it was not only legal to relinquish a baby; in Nebraska, it was okay to abandon any child of any age for any reason at any time - with the full protection of the law.

Autor: Wil S. Hylton
  Time , History , Age , Legal

The Patriot Act removed major legal barriers that prevented the law enforcement, intelligence, and national defense communities from talking and coordinating their work to protect the American people and our national security.

Autor: Jon Porter
  People , Work , Legal , Intelligence

When I became an entrepreneur, I had the knowledge to develop and manage budgets, market products and review legal contracts.

Autor: Vivek Wadhwa
  Knowledge , Legal , Entrepreneur , Review

Lawyers are the first refuge of the incompetent.

Autor: Aaron Allston
  First , Lawyers , Legal , Refuge

I believe we can, and must, strike a balance between our shared American values of religious liberty and freedom from discrimination. My concerns lie with the possible consequences of politically-driven legislation which claims to promote religious liberty but instead rolls back the legal protections held by LGBT Americans.

Autor: Gary Johnson
  Lie , Freedom , Believe , Legal

There is no quick fix for illegal immigration. But only when we achieve better control of our borders and better respect for our immigration laws can we give meaning to the discussion we need to have over reforming the numbers, categories, and procedures for legal immigration into the United States.

Autor: Jan C. Ting
  Better , Respect , Legal , Control

There's a misconception about Barack Obama as a former constitutional law professor. First of all, there are plenty of professors who are 'legal relativists.' They tend to view legal principles as relative to whatever they're trying to achieve.

Autor: Jonathan Turley
  View , Trying , Legal , Law

We must fix our broken immigration system. That means stopping illegal immigration. And it means welcoming properly vetted legal immigrants, regardless of their race or religion. Just like we have for centuries.

Autor: Nikki Haley
  Broken , Legal , Religion , Immigration

By incentivizing Wall Street players to sniff out inefficient or corrupt companies and bet against them, short-selling acts as a sort of policing system; legal short-sellers have been instrumental in helping expose firms like Enron and WorldCom.

Autor: Matt Taibbi
  Like , Against , Legal , Street

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